How to Choose Call Center Cubicles
When setting up call center cubicles there are several important factors you need to consider as you make your plan. Here are some of the first things you’ll need to decide:
Do you have assigned seating or do associates sit anywhere?
If you have individuals working at an assigned desk, you may want to opt for larger units for both space and morale. If your workplace uses shared space where people use a different station for each shift, smaller units will often suffice.
What size will each workstation be?
How many people are you attempting to seat in your space? Will you have additional people joining the team in the coming quarters? How big is your floorspace? The answers to these questions will determine who many units you can fit into your office.
Do you want to see your associates or do you prefer they have privacy?
If you want to see your associates, you’ll need to select lower walls. If you want seated or evens standing privacy, you’ll want to get cubicles with mid to high walls. Keep in mind that low walls doesn’t filter out the noise while associates are speaking on calls.
a worker in a cubicle
How noisy is your environment?
Is your team on the phone or speaking with one another the majority of the time? If so, you will want to consider actual call center cubicles. They are small to medium in side, with walls, and they have a slight overhang that’s similar to a roof. These components help to reduce the noise level at each individual workstation.
Do you have a plan for replacing part or all of a cubicle?
From time to tome, cubicles do need minor repair. The more cubicles you have in a live working environment, the greater the odds you’ll need a repair or replacement part at some point. Consider buying commonly used brands so parts are readily available — new or used.
What color are you considering?
It’s best to choose neutral, common colors. As previously noted, it’s easier to find replacement components that match and if you need to add additional units, you can find perfect or near-perfect matches if the color is one that’s common to the industry.
Do your cucbicles need any additional components?
Do you want any cabinets, shelving, storage, keyboard trays or other extras? The best time to determine this is before you buy so you can be sure to get items that are intended for your cubicles and can be installed at the time of initial setup.
It’s no secret that buying cubicles can be complex. That’s why Office Furniture EZ offers a no-cost Space Planning Appointment where we will come to you, listen to your plans, and take careful measurements before providing a no-obligation quote. If you have any questions, we’re here to help – give us a call!