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Holiday Activity Ideas for the Office

The December holidays are here and if you’re someone who is involved with planning Christmas festivities, we’ve got some ideas for you.

Miniature Tree Decorating Contest – This one is is good for teams or departments. Cost is reasonable if you buy a tabletop tree and the teams add the decorations of their choice to it. Judging can be done by company leaders, votes on social media, or customer votes.

Holiday Activities - Tree Decorating

Make Your Own Stocking (or Hat or Ornament) – For this one, the company furnishes the stockings and hats plus the materials to decorate (glitter, bling, glue, and more). Yes, it’s likely to be a mess, but the finished products will provide cheer around the office.

Gingerbread House Building Contest – Buy each team or department a kit and see who comes up with the best creation. Judging can be internal or external (on social media or by way of foot traffic ballots).

Cookie decorating (and eating) – Get plain sugar cookies from a bakery along with frosting, sprinkles and food coloring for colored icing.

Holiday Activities for the Office

Santa Scavenger Hunt – Get employees in teams of 2, 3, or 4. Create a list of holiday themed items to find and photograph. Share “best of” photos along with the winners (completed list, fastest to complete, best photos, etc.). Award holiday themed prizes.

Santa Baby – Ask team members to bring in photos of themselves from their childhood. Display them with a number next to each one and a list of everyone pictured. Whoever can successfully match the modern-day employees to the baby photos correctly wins.

Holiday Gift Activities

Gift Wrapping Station – Purchase some gift wrap, tags, bows, ribbon, weighted tape dispensers, and sharp scissors and allow team members to wrap their gifts on their breaks.

Company Tree – Put up a lighted tree. Create a station for each individual to make an ornament to add to the tree. Be sure to showcase it on social media!

Holiday Activity - Making Stockings

We wish you & your team a very happy holiday season. For all of your office furniture needs, we’re here to help. Did you know we’ll even come to your office at no cost to discuss your needs, measure, and create a custom plan and pricing proposal? Schedule your visit today for now for this month or early 2024!

Merry Christmas From Office Furniture EZ


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