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Get More Productive in 2022

Are you hoping to get more productive at work in 2022? Is working smarter on your list of New Year’s resolutions? Here are some tips for how to make your time in the office really count.

Productive Employee

Make a Plan

Begin each workday with a list of the top tasks you need to complete that day. Early-morning prioritization will help to keep you on track.

get productive make a plan

Power Hour

Set aside a time, preferrably just after making your plan, to power-through your work.

Alternate Tasks

As you continue into your workday, try to alternate tasks as opposed to doing the same type of work for hours on end.

Lunch Away from Your Desk

Many people make the mistake of thinking that lunching at their desk helps get more done. It’s actually better to take time away to have a meal, use the restroom, return a few texts and then tackle your afternoon. A lunch that includes these components helps to reset your mind and it provides a sense of being recharged and ready to focus once again.

lunch away from work desk

Organize Your Email

Many of us use our email in-box as our t0-do list. Clutter in your email can result in wasted time and forgotten tasks. Keep your messages organized by creating a folder system as well as some rules for less important emails.

Small Breaks

Be sure to step outside for some fresh air and sunshine from time to time (if possible) or at least get up and go for a walk around the workplace. A mental and physical break can do wonders for your productivity.

Drink Up!

Staying hydrated is important, even if your work isn’t particularly vigorous. Regular consumption of water helps your body in many ways – including staying alert, digesting food, and of course initiating trips to the restroom.

drink watr

Keep a Schedule

As tempting as it is to stay late and power through several hours to catch up, it’s actually better to stick to a schedule and leave your work at a set time. This provides consistency and discipline. It also maintains your precious personal time away from work. Sure, the work won’t get done, but that’s why we come back the next day.

Happy New Year from Our Team to Yours!

We wish you a healthy and productive 2022. We’d be remiss if we didn’t take this opportunity to invite you to visit our showroom or shop online for some new office furniture to help with maintaining maximum efficiency and productivity. A new sit stand desk or ergonomic office chair could be valuable tools to aid in your quest to be even more productive in the new year. We offer competitive prices, in-stock items, and great service.


Gary & Tim Schwankl – Owners

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