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Tips to Stay Fit After Returning to the Office

Now that COVID-19 is over, many of us are returning to the office — either full time or on a hybrid schedule. While it’s great to see colleagues again, this change in scenery can cause you to slide back into a routine that maybe wasn’t as healthy the one you’d developed while working from home. Here are 6 tips on how to stay fit after returning to the office.

Drink Lots of Water

Drinking water is healthy by itself for a variety of reasons. Do it in moderation at work and you’ll need to get up to use the restroom more frequently – thus increasing your circulation as you move around.

staying fit at the office drink water

Set Move Around Appointments

Add a 10 or 15 minute appoinment in your morning and afternoon calendar for the purpose of getting up and moving around. Even a short walk around the office, up and down the stairs, or outside does wonders for your circulation system. It’s easy to say, “Oh yeah, I’ll do it”, but the odds of you actually starting and sticking to a routine increase greatly if you park the time for the purpose.

Pack a Lunch

While going to eat is a great opportunity to socialize, the food options are likely not as healthy as your own cooking. Make a plan to pack a lunch most days and consider treating yourself to a lunch out once every week or two. You’ll save calories and money!

pack a lunch

Bring Some Light Exercise Equipment

When working from home, you have the benefit of having your own exercise equipment nearby as well as your favorite places to take a quick walk. However, just because you’re back at the office and at your desk there doesn’t mean you can sneak in some a rep or two. A set of small dumbells, a hand squeezer, or even a balance or wobble board can provide you with options to do some minor exercise throughout your workday.

Invite a Colleague to be Your Walking Partner

Accountability plays a big role in establishing and keeping a routine. If you have a workmate whose company you enjoy, consider inviting them on a walk. If they’re up for it, you could make it part of your week. Maybe your colleague isn’t up for it, no harm in setting a date with yourself to take a few laps around the parking lot.

stay fit go for a walk at work

Exercise Your Brain Too

Physical fitness is only part of a fit person. Stay mentally sharp too by making 5-10 minutes a day for a brain teaser, online game, puzzle, or other cognitive exercise. Lumosity has some great exercises that are quick (and able to be muted!). At the time of this post, Wordle was also a fan favorite for brain exercise.

Going back into the office has its pros and cons but what’s most important is your health. The key to getting in shape and staying in shape is setting routines and sticking to them. Hopefully these tips to stay fit when returning to the workplace will fit into your daily plan. You only get one you, so please prioritize your health and wellness!

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